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LCISD Ag Barn Info.

LCISD Ag Barn Project Interest Entry

The purpose of the Lamar CISD Ag Barns is to provide a safe location to raise animal projects for curriculum enhancement, to assist
meeting state-mandated Supervised Agriculture Experience Program (SAEP) requirements, and for FFA project competitions. These experiences consist of time spent at the ag barn, as well as classroom instruction. This arrangement requires significant collaboration between the LCISD administrators, FFA advisors, the Ag Barn manager, student members, and parents.

Each student is subject to the Lamar CISD Student Code of Conduct while at the district facility or where an LCISD FFA student represents the FFA or Lamar CISD.  Failure to abide by this policy at the Ag barn, livestock exhibition, or where their LCISD FFA
chapter has a vested interest, will result in consequences as outlined in the LCISD Student Code of Conduct.

Your patience and continued positive attitude is vital as we all work together in making this a safe, productive, and enjoyable learning experience.

The district establishes dates for Lead HS Agriscience teachers to enter interest of students who would like to raise animals for show purposes at the district ag barn facility.  These date deadlines will be discussed with students in class as well as with parents at chapter FFA and booster club meetings.  Students and their parent/guardians need to notify their lead HS agriscience instructor prior to these dates so the instructor can properly enter project information into an LCISD secure data entry system.  
As always, this information is entered to note interest but does not secure a space at the barn. Barn spaces are assigned as space allows with student grade level and species of project animals as first consideration.


Registration for barn stalls is done via the student’s campus ag science instructor during the times period noted below.  Based on information put into the district ag facility registration system and deemed barn space availability, the district CTE department will send out district paperwork. This paperwork will be due from the student and/or parent/guardian by the date noted on the paperwork sent.Stalls are not assigned until all paperwork and fees are into the district CTE office.  High school teachers are not to accept barn entry paperwork.

David Brown is the GR FFA HS Project Supervision Instructor who will input data into the system. 

See sample forms below for details.


Ag Barn Facilities Info Form David Brown 8/29/2019 212 KB
Ag Student Info Form David Brown 8/29/2019 256 KB
Polices and Procedures David Brown 8/29/2019 224 KB
Personal Items David Brown 8/29/2019 140 KB



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